Unfortunately my newsletter got sent out without working links last month. So here’s a new attempt:
And if those links don’t work, here’s the URL: http://lucifer7.katinkahesselink.net/i/2010/7.html
A change in blog policy
Written by Anonymous on Jul 07, 2010 09:44 am
To make things a bit easier for me to manage, I’ve set my newsletter Lucifer7 to combine the posts in my various online blogs. But I had planned ahead quite a lot of material to be posted on that newsletter. Most of this will be posted on either All Considering or My Spiritual Quotes. This …
Short spiritual quotes
Written by Anonymous on Jul 06, 2010 10:37 am
H.P.Blavatsky in “Our Cycle and the Next”. For real Theosophy is Altruism, and we cannot repeat it too often. It is brotherly love, mutual help, unswerving devotion to Truth. If once men do but realize that in these alone can true happiness be found, and never in wealth, possessions, or any selfish gratification, then the …
God and the Absolute, theosophy quote
Written by Anonymous on Jul 06, 2010 10:37 am
W.Q. Judge quote, The Theosophical Forum of New York, December 1892, p. 3) “Theosophy holds God to be One and eternal, – Absoluteness itself. The Bible says that man was made in the image of God. Man we understand to be composed of seven principles, – a union of the three higher, the immortal principles …
Newsletter update & New spiritual stuff on squidoo and Katinka Hesselink Net
Written by Anonymous on Jul 06, 2010 09:29 am
For my newsletter readers: It turns out that the way I’ve been sending out this newsletter over the past 7 (!) years is becoming too labor intensive. It no longer fits the way I do my online work. I’ve found a new way to organize this – and don’t worry: I’ll make sure you all …
Blavatsky about the symbolism of the Christian Cross
Written by Anonymous on Jun 30, 2010 09:33 am
One of my Dutch readers wondered after reading my piece about symbols, about the meaning of the Christian Cross according to H.P. Blavatsky. I thought I’d look it up. The closest I could find on the topic was Blavatsky on Crucifixion. She says there that: The cross itself, to which the whole man was attached, …
World Congress: Unofficial powwow about the future of the Theosophical Society
I think it would be a good idea to set a date / time on our powwow about the future of the TS. There are, so the grapevine tells me, about 400 people coming to the World Congress. That’s huge. I’m also told that the congress in Sidney had workshops that had 80+ people in …
The Wisdom of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: A New Translation and Guide by Ravi Ravindra
The yoga sutras are two thousand year old spiritual classic. In India every spiritual teacher of any note has written a commentary on it. Ravi Ravindra is the latest of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s students to do the same. For that reason alone this book will be read in theosophical circles at least. But Jiddu Krishnamurti doesn’t .
Alice A. Bailey Quotes from her Autobiography
From the earliest possible time we were taught to care about the poor and the sick and to realize that fortunate circumstances entailed responsibility. Several times a week when it was time to go for a walk we had to go to the housekeeper’s room for jellies and soup for some sick person on the …
The Unfinished Autobiography by Alice A. Bailey
I’m not really into Alice Bailey’s work, nor into that of ‘The Tibetan’, but this autobiography is great. Funny, full of self knowledge and simply fascinating from the point of view of esoteric history. Alice Bailey was born and raised in England in 1880. She lived through both world wars and lived the transition from …
William Quan Judge today
The Aquarian Theosophist goes on writing about their efforts to get the TS Adyar to recognize Judge. I’m pleasantly surprised at the calm tone of their last post. They report that the German TS website mentions Judge as one of 5 theosophists who get a biography on there. I have to agree that it’s a …
SEO: making your theosophy site get google traffic
I know some high up theosophical bobo’s read this blog, so I thought I’d share a must read article on THE main Search Engine Optimization (SEO) blog out there: http://searchengineland.com/seo-checklist-of-best-and-worst-practices-part1-43752 These are only the coding things. Send it to your webmaster and ask them to report on any issues not taken care of. These are …
Using spirituality and psychology as a defence
1) Someone asking me to become a lecturer on an event asked me about karma: I hear people saying, about someone else, that their ill health or poverty is ‘bad karma’. Tell that to the starving child in Africa. She was right of course. 2) I heard a longtime Krishnamurti student saying: Your whole work …
The challenges and opportunities facing the Theosophical Movement
We had a members meeting in the Dutch TS (Aydar) at the end of May. It was spirited, but business like. That is: we discussed important issues, without scapegoating. I thought I’d share the main issues. I am glad to see that the tabu on discussing these things is leading to important insights coming out …
Don’t give up – Theosophy Quotes
[B]e not discouraged, but try, ever keep trying; twenty failures are not irremediable if followed by as many undaunted struggles upward; is it not so that mountains are climbed? (Blavatsky Collected Writings, Vol. 12, Esoteric Instructions) With each morning’s awakening try to live through the day in harmony with the Higher Self. “Try” is the …